Father, please help me by your Holy Spirit to live with revelation knowledge, that I may grow in patience, and do what is right. Please help me to love wisdom, and to learn all I can; so that my life will flourish and prosper. Please help me to be quick to forgive, as I walk in revelation knowledge; and please help me walk in virtue. May I honor your holy instruction, such that life will go well for me (vv: 2, 8,11,16).

I desire to make many gifts to the poor, that I may loan to the Lord. Please help me to live humbly that my life is a reflection of your wisdom. Help me to live abandoned in love, and surrendered before Your awe. For I desire abundant life continual protection, and complete satisfaction (vv: 17, 20, 23). Amen.

Ken and I will have been married 44 years in June. We know one another well, because we have weathered many storms, high places, and points in-between; learning to be quick to forgive has saved us. When we have honored His holy instruction, by choosing His Word over our feelings, wants, and preferences, life has gone well. Proverbs 19 prayer is a relationship prayer. One that fits not only our earthly relationships, but the connection we have with God. We need Him to work in and through us in order for the Proverbs 19 prayer to transpire.

Each time Ken and I come to the end of ourselves (needing to be right or have our own way), we are choosing Love over self, and desiring virtue, and to live humbly (with God’s help) is the only way. We still have disagreements, but we usually talk them through. It took me growing up, coming to the Lord, and realizing that the world did not revolve around me; so that I could be abandoned in love.

Meme_ Proverbs 19 Prayer_ Flourish_ Couleur
Photo by Couleur

When we love wisdom, and learning all we can, understanding comes, love leads the way, and abundant life that will flourish and prosper begins. We desire to be set apart for God’s use. As we cooperate with God’s plan and purpose, satisfaction is ours. Our gifts to the poor are service, sharing the Good News, prayer, finances, and time. And when we are poor, how grateful we are for these gifts from others.

Even after almost 44 years of marriage, we have more to learn and walk in than we can comprehend. Yet, our hope is in the fact that we have seen God’s Word work. Along with tests, trials, loss, and all that comes with this life, we have experienced more answered prayer than we can track. We know giving praise when complaining would be easier, brings joy. When we choose to be still, we experience our Mighty God, and His peace that transcends understanding. When we choose to live in Mark 12:30-31, we:

Love the Lord [our] God with all [our] heart and with all [our] soul and with all [our] mind and with all [our] strength. The second is this: [we] ‘Love [our] neighbor as [ourselves].’ There is no commandment greater than these. NIV;

Then we are assured of walking in the attributes and benefits of our Proverbs 19 prayer.

Remember, your spouse and family are your closest neighbors. If you are struggling in these relationships, I pray that you will pray the Proverbs 19 prayer. And I hope my experience with it has helped. If you are experiencing victory in these relationships, I rejoice with you, and say, to God be all the glory!


Jacquie ♥

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